Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Good Things Happen in Threes!

Ciao miei amici!

After weeks and weeks AND WEEKS of this kind of molto male tempo

… I woke up to the sound of robins chirping in my yard!! And although it’s supposed to rain later today, I am pretty sure I saw il sole peek out a time or two already this morning, and the frigid cold is – poof! – gone from the air. I got so wildly excited that I had to sing (just call me Lucia Paw-varotti!!):

Other than this fantastico break in the weather, there are three other things to note today. I’ll do them in reverse order and save la cosa più importante for last. First, I’m going to see my trainer, Stacey, today. Yayy! I have to work hard, but I always have so much fun when I’m there! Second, because my “TWOsday” game two weeks ago didn’t work out so well (I was the first one to mess it up when mia ragazza dropped the ball on my bloggie last week -- booooo!), I thought I’d try something new:

Impara l'italiano con Lucia

That means, “Learn Italian with Lucia”! In every bloggie post, I’ll have some Italian words and their English translations, and will show you how to use them. I’m so over-the-top happy about THIS that I can feel la canzone coming on again!

Wait, wait, I need to calm down so I can give you today's term (uno momento, per favore). Ok, here it is:
Buon compleanno

That means, "Happy Birthday," and it's an eccellante term to learn today because of this THIRD and più importante item in my bloggie post:

It's Mason Dixie’s Barkday!!

Cara bella Mason Dixie, I hope you get lots of torta, gelato e regali, but mostly, I hope you get lots and lots of amore because you are such a dolce e buona amica!
Tanti baci!


Digsby Mac Feegle said...

I like the pictures of you saying the word. It really helps me sound it out and get the pronunciation down. Also we get to look at your pearly white teeth!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Soon we'll have a second language and have to fly to Italy to use it! Our Mom used to speak Russian but says her old brain doesn't remember much any more. She is pretty old...especially in dog years! XOXO-BabyRocketDog & Hootie

Dexter said...

THanks for sending momma those pointers about keeping the floors clean. I am afraid that my footies tend to leave a trail. Plus my slobbers kind of make stains on the floor as well. We will have to try that stuff.


Duke said...

We know what gelato is, Lucia! You don't need to translate that word for us!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

Ciao bella,
Oh we thought it was tanti auguri but our pinky has forgotten most of her Italian. She has enough trouble with English hehehe.


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Hello Lucia!

Thank you for visiting my blog. I am no good at languages, so I will learn lots when I visit you I can see!

I am more of a poet and a physician to be honest, I have been helping Lacie get better the past few days!

lotsalicks, Marvin xxxxxxxx