Ciao, miei amici!
Ho avuto abbastanza di inverno, ogni cane, gatto, criceto e umano amico,
(I have had enough winter, everydoggie, kitty, hamster and human friend,)
so I have been focusing my thoughts on spring for the past few weeks …
… and keeping my paws crossed that it would get here soon!
So ... la lezione di lingua italiana di oggi è:
(... the Italian lesson for today is:)
Segni di primavera!
(Signs of Spring!)
When I heard the birds singing this morning, I just knew: spring had arrived in mia citta! (my city!) I could sniff it in the air!
I ran outside like a blur to look for it.
This very stubborn tree STILL won't let go of last year’s leaves – santa vacca! (holy cow!) Talk about refusing to embrace change!! But I wasn’t fooled by it!
I noticed that lots of other plants in my yard seem to be getting ready for the season – like these bambini narcissi (baby daffodils). Awwww!
And here are some grande narcissi! (large daffodils!)
Mia ragazza says she thinks this is a flower called Arance e Limoni (Oranges and Lemons) that she planted last year. She is glad to see it survived our hard winter!
Affrettatevi, lillà!
(Hurry, lilacs!)
Mmmm! Ortensia canne da ultimo anno (hydrangea canes from last year).
Now, if I can just reach one …
Got it!
I hope spring shows up very soon for all of you, too!
Oopsy, wait, another PeeEss: Per favore (please), go visit Lilly, Piper and Carrleigh, a trio of Scottish Terrier cutie pies who are new to our bloggiverse. Now ... you all know I'm a smidgey geloso (jealous) of mia sorella (my sister) of another decade, Scottish Terrier St. Jinks the Good, but I have to admit, THESE three doggies look like they're going to be great new pals -- and lots of fun! Benvenuto, nuovi favulosi amici! (Welcome, fabulous new friends!)