Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ciao miei amici!!

Santa vacca!!! (Holy cow!!!) I am brimming with la vergogna e la mortificazione (shame and mortification)! We read your bloggies the other morning and la mia ragazza felt so crushingly awful that we have been absent from DWBloggyland for so many months that she set aside her holiday baking (which -- heeeeeeee!!! -- she is miserable at anyway, so she doesn’t mind stalling on it!) to put this long overdue post on my bloggy. Rest assured, we are all fine and dandy here although oggi fa freddo –molto, molto freddo (today it is cold – very, very cold) -- and la mia ragazza is quite fretty about me not having a proper cappotto di inverno (winter coat). She told me to ask Santy Paws for one – and I did – and now I am determined to stay awake on Vigilia di Natale (Christmas Eve) to see if he squeezes down the comignolo (chimney) with a new coat and many giocattoli magnifici (magnificent toys) for me. Which I deserve, as I have been a splendid and good girl this year. Except for maybe this one time ...

So anyway, here are cinque cose (five things) that have happened in Lucia’s beautiful universe in the cinque mesi (five months) that I have been awayyyyy:

1. I had surgery to remove a troublesome spot at the top of my back leggie – which was terrible enough! – (Note from LMR: it was a scary time here – the vet was concerned that Lucia might have a malignancy – fortunately, test results came back negative) and then, worse, I had a very, very, very bad reaction to Auntie Sthetic (I did not even know I had an Auntie named Sthetic!) and cominciato ad avere allucinazioni (began to hallucinate) so la mia ragazza – who was so very terrified that she might lose her most darling and adored Aire-girl – rushed me to the Mergencyvet, where I spent about un milione di ore (a million hours) having many tests done. Alas, the Mergencyvet didn’t know that I was reacting to Auntie Sthetic and gave me a version of the VERY SAME THING to make me sleepy for the tests, and I went into another serious round of reactions which lasted for a whole other day!!! I had to take
molti farmaci (many medicines) for many days afterward

... and later, la mia ragazza even took me to a vettie who did agopuntura (acupuncture) to help my very sore back – but in the end, I, Lucia the Lionhearted, survived!! (Note from LMR: we think Lucia might have twisted or hurt her back as she was waking up, post surgery; instead of having her treated with yet another pain medication, I took her to a holistic vet who offers chiropractic and acupuncture as a way to alleviate pain. During the acupuncture treatment, itself, Lucia’s face changed from tense to completely relaxed. No more pain!!! It was really amazing ... even better, she's been completely fine since.)

2. We moved from our (former) very cold climate to a (new) much less cold one, although you would never know that today since it’s only nine degrees outside!

3. I had my fotographia (photo) taken with Santy Paws’ elf last week. Awwwwww! La mia ragazza is very smitten with my seasonally dressed self in this picture!

4. I have made many, many new friends, thanks to my twice weekly visits to doggie daycare:

Kobe and Scout the Standard Poodles

Mogie the Irish Wolfhound

The Beautiful Sophie (la mia ragazza loves this Vizsla girl … plllbbbbb!)

(Hubba hubba, Dennis!!!!)

Hal the LabraPlott

Coop the Labradoodle

Peking Gus

(Heeeeeee!!! Get it?? He's peeking!!)

... and 'Panga the Welshie

(She's a mini Lucia!!)

Muahhhhhs to all my wonderful buddies!!! (But I, Lucia, am the only Airedale at daycare!!)

5. I found out I am probably related to
Farfel’s new sister, Star!! And I am also distantly related to Mischka the Airedale!!!! Ah, it’s so wonderful to have famiglia (family)!

I send many smoochies and huggies to all of my DWB amici, and also send out extra-special smoochies and huggies to
Miss Sunshade and her mum, who presently have their paws full. Please run right over to their bloggy and give them some DWB TLC!

Tanti baci!

PeeEss: Muahhhhhs to my beloved Buster and his bellissima baby niece, Gracie!!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Do I know woo???

SERIOUSLY, nice to see woo again!

Thanks fur Lucia Update!

Woo've had khwite the 'fun' times -

Great pals woo've shared as well!


violett said...

Hello Lucia,
I please mch in such a way to read again from you. I have already worried to myself. With me an Airedale's baby has entered, in the meantime. Now I have a brother, 13 weeks old!
Lots of love

The Thuglets said...

Hello Lucia

we are pleased to meet you.

Looks like you have lots of friends and fun at doggie day care.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Noah the Airedale said...

Ah la bella Lucia is back. We sorry to hear you've been in the wars. It sounds awful but your better now so that's great. You and your mama have been very busy lately.

Noah xx

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Merry Christmas Lucia. We think of your often and wish your secretary would post more.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

Sherry said...

Lovely to see you again Miss Lucia and to know you're well after such a harrowing experience. Doggie daycare looks like great fun!

Alanis & Miro

Farfel said...

Miss Lucia,

We are so happy you are well, and back to your healthy self!! Thank you for your nice comment on our blog :) And... We are very excited that you and Star might be cousins!! Little Miss Star came from a German line (75%) and the other 25% is from Nancy's Seneca line. MOMMY loves Nancy, and all of her Airedales!! Star is small (compared to me)...:)

We love all of your pictures!!

Farel, and Star :)

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

OMD Lucia! You're baaaaaack!!! Yippee. So good to see you agani. Hoping you have a fabulous Christmas and that we see more of you in 2011!! It is also very interesting to hear that you are related to Baby's love from Germany, Mischka!! How cool is that??
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie

Duke said...

Merry Christmas, Lucia! We are so happy to see you!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Persephone and Buster said...

BELLLLLLA LUCIAHHHHHH!... MERRY EST OF CHRISTMAS TO YOU.. you are my Christmas present!!! i asked santapaws and loooky here.. a post...heavy sigh. you have had some strange experiences.. sounds like a real "trip". we must converse soon. this little grrrracie is much attached to my hip and follows me everywehre.... and learns some of the strangest humomm says she's like a little sponge? jumps like me...whirls like ms. blue...harumph.. i thoght i was most unique. but enough about me.. we are very happy you have returned. all this news at once.. you have moved your human, operations, hallucinations...hmmm sounds like the '60's..
hope you have the merriest of christmas es...much xxx & oo's to you my lovely aireeegurl.
theBUSTER, Ms.Bailey and Persephone... and grrrracie the great too

Lorenza said...

Hi, Lucia!
Sure you have been busy all these months!
Glad you are recovered from your surgery and the effects of the Auntie Sthetic!
Happy Holidays!
Kisses and hugs

World of Animals, Inc said...

Thanks for sharing the sweet photos. Looks like you were helping out with the cooking in the kitchen. Hopefully, chicken for you. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend.
World of Animals