Ciao miei amici!
I have been barking my noggin off for the past ora (hour) or so because there has been TUONO (THUNDER)! I am not quite sure what this thunder business is, but every time I hear a loud BOOM, I feel the urge to talk back.
What is that noise?!?!

La mia ragazza doesn't exactly try to pet or snuggle me when the thunder thunders because she read in some doggie libri (books) that making a big fuss over thunder will only reinforce my reaction to it, so mostly, she just tries to keep doing whatever it is that she's doing when the BOOM hits. I'm very curiosa (curious), everydoggie -- how do you handle thunder in your homes? If you all get cuddles and extra attention, I'm going to stage a big protest to la mia ragazza!
Now, while this thunderyness is not so great, I am MOLTO, MOLTO (VERY, VERY) happy to report that la mia ragazza's papa is home again and feeling much better after getting several rounds of Auntie Biotics these past few days. We will be spending some time with him this fine settimana (weekend), just to give him a hand until he's 100 percent back to normal.
On the go again!

La mia ragazza told me that we will try to visit everybloggie before we go because we have lots of catching up to do, but in the meantime, she wants to say [WAIT ... WHAT?? OK, OK, OK] ...Actually, she says she'll tell you in the PeeEss, so I'll sign off with ....
Tanti baci!
PeeEss: Thank you so very much to all of Lucia's bloggie pals and their mamas and papas. Your prayers, good wishes and crossed paws (not to mention that wonderful Aire Zen!) for my father and my beautiful mom have meant the world to me. You all are so caring and so kind -- what an amazing community!
Lucia's Ragazza (Girl)